Prioritizing Eye Care For Your Children Is Crucial
It’s time for Back-to-School 2023 and in the United States, many children face vision impairments that can negatively impact their education. Research indicates that up to 80% of a child’s learning before the age of 12 relies on their eyesight. Vision problems can affect a child’s confidence, social skills, and participation in extracurricular activities like sports, art, and music. That’s why it’s essential for children to receive a comprehensive eye exam before returning to school. Even if a child appears to have no vision issues, it’s recommended they get checked at ages 3 and 5 or 6, before starting first grade. Unfortunately, children may not always mention blurry vision, assuming it’s normal. Unlike hunger or dental problems, vision problems aren’t apparent as they don’t cause physical pain. Parents, family members, and teachers must be vigilant and advocate for proper eye care.
Regular eye exams and eyeglasses, if required, should be a top priority for maintaining children’s vision health. Detecting eye problems early on can ensure children have the necessary visual skills to excel in school and beyond. Vision is the most crucial of the five senses and plays a vital role throughout childhood. Studies show that about 80% of what children learn in school is presented visually. Therefore, prioritizing eye care and exams for your children is crucial for their success.
There Are Numerous Challenges That One May Encounter While Learning Online
Excessive use of digital screens can cause digital eye strain or computer vision syndrome, according to the American Optometric Association (AOA). This refers to a group of eye and vision-related issues that arise from prolonged use of digital devices, and the more time spent online, the more likely individuals are to experience eye strain and convergence insufficiency. In fact, 57% of students suffer from eye strain, and 61% display symptoms of convergence insufficiency, with 17% of those experiencing severe cases. Recent research from ophthalmologists at Wills Eye Hospital confirms that excessive screen time can also increase eye strain in children, leading to convergence insufficiency, which makes reading difficult. Symptoms of digital eye strain include eye and vision-related problems and occur when there is excess exposure to a computer screen or other digital devices:
- Eye Discomfort
- Eye Fatigue
- Dry eye
- Blurry vision
- Headaches
- Uncorrected vision/hidden health problems may also contribute to eye strain
Avoiding/Reducing Eye Strain
The Mayo Clinic reports that treatment for eyestrain consists of adjusting to your daily habits or your environment. There may be underline conditions that require some individuals to have treatment. Also
Below are things that you can do to avoid and or reduce eye strain:
- Wear glasses for specific activities like computer use and or reading
- Take regular eye breaks to help refocus your eyes
- Close blinds and/or shades
- Avoid placing your monitor directly in front of a window or white wall
- Place an anti-glare cover over the screen
- Adjust your monitor to a position that reduces strain
- Always put the monitor directly in front of you, about an arm’s length away so that the top of the screen is at or just below eye level
The Mayo Clinic Suggests The Following Specific To Behavior And Lifestyle
- Adjust the lightning
- Take frequent breaks
- Limit time on a computer screen and digital devices
- Use artificial tears
- Improve your space air quality
- Choose the appropriate eyewear
Tips For Computers And Other Digital Devices (Mayo Clinic)
- Refresh your eyes by blinking often
- Take eye breaks, the 20-20-20 rule; look at something every 20 minutes, 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds
- Reduce your glare by adjusting the lighting
- Adjust your monitor/adjust the position of your digital device
- Use a document holder
- Adjust the screen
To ensure your child’s eyes are developing correctly and working together, it’s important to schedule their first eye exam with a pediatric optometrist or ophthalmologist at 6 months of age. Neglecting this could lead to poor vision in one or both eyes for life.
Contact us immediately if you are experiencing any eye strain conditions. We are here for you to answer all your question about eye strain resulting from too much computer and digital devices exposure, and how to protect your children in the digital technology era.