Comprehensive Eye Exams

South Nassau Eye Care realizes the importance of knowing and understanding our patients and their needs. Every set of eyes is different and because of that our doctors provide personalized attention and care for all patients.


  • Visual Function: Test for proper focusing and tracking
  • Refraction Analysis: Used to determine which prescription will give the patient the best vision
  • Ocular Health Test: Tests for corneal problems and cataracts. Performs a retinal evaluation and examination of the back of the eye for other ocular health problems. Includes Glaucoma Tonometry to test for glaucoma
  • Ocular Motility Tests
  • Contact Lens ExamsCorrective lens evaluations and prescription management
  • Pre- and Post-Surgical Care for LASIK Eye Surgery
Eye Exam

Contact South Nassau Eye Care in Freeport, NY!

At South Nassau Eye Care our staff is here to help you and your family with all of your vision care needs. Whether you need to schedule an appointment for an eye exam, buy new glasses/contact lenses, or are experiencing vision issues, feel free to get in touch with us. We are always ready to help you!

Call us at 516-379-4041 or contact us to schedule an appointment today!